
Lappeenranta's reputation as the capital of coffee travels fast, and more and more visitors come here because of our great coffee! Here you will find homely and individual cafés serving high quality coffee all over the city. Not all the cafés are listed below.

*= Accessible entrance

Aleksandra Konditoria
Café Kauppahalli
Café Hullu Orava
Coffee House Isokristiina*
Café Hullu Orava
Café Miu
Coffee House IsoKristiina*
Junge Juice Bar*
Kahvila Luovuus
Café Majurska
Kesämäen Leipomo*
My Bakery Cafe*
Robert´s Coffee*
Saimaa Canal museum's summer café
Salaattikahvila Pitsi
Satama-Sanni* (during summer season)
Satamatie 6*
Tytti's Bakery
Vallongo Lappeenranta