Galleries and handicraft shops

Spend a day getting to know our galleries, art exhibition spaces and handicraft shops in the city center and the Fortress.

Galleria Pihatto

Art gallery and creative event space almost both in the middle of nature and in downtown in historical environment. The space is available also for customer specific events.

Address: Valtakatu 80, 53130 Lappeenranta (by car, enter from Kaukaankatu direction)
Ph. +358 40 589 7024
Galleria Pihatto website

Art Centre East

Monthly changing contemporary art exhibitions from local, national and international artists. In the exhibition schedule there's a special attention to jewelry art. Also a wide selection of art in their Art Rental and Shop. Art Centre East is located in the center of Lappeenranta, just opposite of the water tower. It is run by The South Karelia Artist Association and The Finnish Art Jewelry Association. Free admission.

Valtakatu 66
53100 Lappeenranta
Ph. + 358 400 313 824
Art Centre East website

Mai-Art gallery

A low-threshold gallery with monthly changing exhibitions, featuring works by artists from all over Finland and abroad. 

Adrress: Valtakatu 37
Mai-Art gallery's website



In the Fortress

Tyyki handicraft shop

Tyyki offers its customers quality Finnish handicraft. Its selection includes unique, handmade textiles, jewellery, pottery, and many kinds of objects for interior decoration from several artisans.

Address: Kristiinankatu 1, Majurska House
Tyyki's website

Galleria Kääntöpoiju

Hand made and hand printed  flax heaven, and a selection of beautiful clothing, jewellery, bags and white goods, some to mention.

Address: Kristiinankatu 1, Majurska house
Galleria Kääntöpoiju's website


Täky gallery

Gallery has changing exhibitions and a shop with art, beautiful consumables and jewellery, for instance. It is held by the Kaakkois-Suomen taidekäsityöläiset in the northern part of the Fortress.

Address: Satamatie 10
Täky gallery's wbsite

Galleria Keramiikkapaja, Arja Martikainen

Arja Martikainen does consumables and unique pieces for her gallery, open year-round.

Address: Satamatie 19

Galleria Keramiikkapaja's website

Photo: Inka Nordlund

Art living room Katariina (during summertime)

Kaakon taide organizes summer exhibitions in Katariina in the Fortress, where a unique art living room has been created based on wishes and comments from visitors. During summertime, you can visit Katariina like you would visit a friend, sit on a sofa enojying coffee and the art all around you. The art pieces can be also bought. Alonside the exhibitions, there's also meet-ups with artists and different workshops.

Address: Katariinantori 4

Kaakon taide website