Red-brick barracks make up the Rakuunamäki neighbourhood

Rakuunamäki (Dragoon Hill) was purpose-built for the cavalry in the late 1880s and has been well preserved. It has become a top tourist attraction, in Lappeenranta, alongside the Fortress. Situated next to the city centre, the red-brick barracks of Rakuunamäki – housing built for officers and soldiers, and warehouses built for weapons and vegetables – still tells the story of when they were built, although many of them now provide shelter for civilian homes and offices.

Information about Rakuunamäki

Rakuunamäki as a residential area

The City is developing Rakuunamäki for residents and tourists, as well as companies and the public sector. By 2015, the barracks in the Leiri neighbourhood were the home of almost 700 civilians, including students, with two of the barrack buildings, including the former officers’ building, being turned into student housing. Built amidst the barracks, new homes and offices conform to modern planning restrictions, while respecting local history and matching the style of the old red-brick buildings.

    The Lappeenranta Dragoon Regiment was established in the 1880s.
    The Defence Forces remain a part of the daily life in the Rakuunamäki area.
    However, there are no longer streets or areas that are closed to the public.
    There are also businesses and public services in the barracks.
    The Ehrnrooth Square is a public area for exercise.