Christmas concerts

Mon 4.12. 7 PM Irina Björklund & Teemu Roivainen: Flame of peace. Lappee church of St.Mary. Tickets

Tue 5.12 6.30PM-7.30PM  Evening of Christmas songs and Finnish music at the Lappeenranta musical college.

Thu 7.12 7PM ONEVIOLIN: Christmas 2023 concert at culture venue Nuijamies. Tickets.

Sun 10.12. 4PM Christmas together - South Karelia's region choir Sulasol in Lappee church of St. Mary.

Tue 12.12. 7PM Konsta's Christmas, in Lappee Church of St.Mary. Tickets

Thu 14.12. 5.30PM Joulu on taas! Lappeenranta music college's Christmas program in Joutseno library.

Thu 14.12. 7PM Saimaa sinfonietta - Christmas concert in Lappeenranta hall. Tickets

Thu 14.12 7PM Antti Railio - Strong hearts, in Lappeen Church of St.Mary. Tickets

Sat 16.12. 7PM Osmo Ikonen & Lenni-Kalle Taipale: Joulurieha in cultural venue Nuijamies. Tickets

Sun 17.12. 1 PM Christmas concert of Lappeenranta music college's kantele players in Helkiö hall.

Sun 17.12. 4 PM Kauneimmat joululaulut (The most beautiful Christmas songs) in Lappee church

Sun 17.12. 5 PM Diandra - kerran joulukuun aikaan (Once upon a December) Lappeenranta-salissa. Tickets

Sun 17.12. 6 PM Tonttumeininki, Christmas concert of the Restless in music college's Helkiö-sali. Tickets

Tue 19.12. 7 PM The Gospel of Christmas -concert in Lauritsala church

Wen 20.12. 7 PM Tule joulu kultainen -Christmas songs at the City theater.Tickets

 Note! Changes are possible