Lappeenranta bucket list

We´ve prepared a bucket list for you consisting of things you should experience during your time in Lappeenranta. The 10 sections of this bucket list will hopefully give you a better idea of what goes on in our lovely city and help you familiarize yourself with Lappeenranta. So our 10 sections will cover everything you should know from the hotspots of the city to the perplexities of our almost impossible-to-learn language.

1. Get to know the basics of your new home town

Welcome to Lappeenranta! There's many things to do and see, so let's start with the basics.

2. Learn about the local history

The City´s history is actually pretty interesting. Lappeenranta has been under both Swedish and Russian reign. The Swedish Kingdom and the Russian empire actually fought in Lappeenranta during the Russo-Swedish war in the 18th century which resulted in Russian victory. The city was however founded by Swedish queen Christina in 1649. She named the city Villmanstrand which means the wild man´s shore in Swedish. At the time, Lappeenranta was a rather small town and perhaps, the locals were considered somewhat barbaric, hence the city´s name and the figure depicted on the coat of arms.

3. Meet the locals

We don’t know what you think of us Finns so far, but we know that a stereotypic Finn is considered to be rather reserved, introverted, shy and modest with a deep respect for personal space. 

4. Try to learn the language

We don´t know if you´ve heard this but Finnish is considered to be one of the world’s most difficult languages to learn.

5. Explore Lake Saimaa

Lake Saimaa is not only the biggest lake of Finland but is also Europe´s 4th biggest lake. It stretches from Lappeenranta all the way up to central Finland. In addition to Lappeenranta several other cities are located by the Lake Saimaa such as Savonlinna, a city famous for its castle.

6. Get lost in the wilderness...

7. Indulge yourself in sports and recreation

8. Eat local delicacies

9. Enjoy a drink at the best cafes and bars

10. Don’t miss the events


11. Bonus – the Lucky Category

Finally seeing the Northern Lights which is a natural light phenomenon (caused by solar winds and different particles. They are most common near the poles during winter.) This video was actually taken near the Lappeenranta Campus in 2015.

We hope you enjoy your stay in Lappeenranta! We also publish weekly tips for the weekend in our Instagram & Facebook! You'll find us there @visitlappeenranta_official our weekend tips include events, concerts and exhibitions happening in the city.