Blogit - Elämyksiä Lappeenrannassa

Tutustu Lappeenrantaan blogikirjoitusten kautta! Lappeenrannassa opiskelevat nuoret kirjoittavat tapahtumista ja kokemuksistaan blogeissaan.


Vanessa Techera

Hei! Nimeni on Vanessa Techera, ja olen Kimpisen lukion ylioppilas. Työskentelen Lappeenrannan kaupungin Unelmaduuni-kampanjassa kaupunkikierrosten suunnittelijana. Itse ideoimassani työssäni esittelen Lappeenrantaa kesäkohteiden kautta uusista näkökulmista. Kaupunkilaisten sekä turistien on helppo tutustua monipuolisiin kohteisiin omatoimisesti.

1. Yliopisto + Tervahaudanpuisto sekä Swäbisch Hall-puisto 2. Korkkitehtaan ranta + Saunarannanpuisto 3. Linnoituksen Haminan portti + Pusupuisto 4. Hiekkalinna + laiturin rantapaviljonki 5. Sataman rantaraitti + Kasinonpuisto 6. Hyväntuulentie + Halkosaari 7. Myllysaari + Kimpisen kuntopolku 8. Vesitorni + Arboretum 9. Kahilanniemen golfkenttä + Pappilanniemen luontopolku 10. Luukkaansalmen silta

Iryna Maliatsina

Прывiтанне сябры! Меня зовут Ира и я учусь в магистратуре Лаппеенрантского Технологического Университета с 2016 года. Я родом из Минска, Республики Беларусь и прожила там почти всю свою жизнь. Путешествия, мода и чтение – мои хобби. А написание блогов – моя страсть и любимое занятия в свободное время. Финляндия навеки покорила мое сердце, и я бесконечно счастлива каждый день узнавать что-то новое о ее культуре, традициях и жителях.

Winter in the Fortress Зима в Крепости

Veronica Kontopoulou

Hello stranger! I am Veronica Kontopoulou, an International Baccalaureate graduate and a proud (summer) resident of Lappeenranta. I am currently a politics and journalism student in Scotland, and share both a Greek and Finnish background. Spending summers in this serene hometown of mine, Lappeenranta, is truly enjoyable; my content might reveal you why.


Aleksei Muss

Good day to all. My name is Aleksei. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree at Saimaa University of Applied Sciences here in Lappeenranta. I have been living and discovering the city for three years now, and it never ceases to amaze. Besides the well-known quality shopping, there’s so much more to life in Lappeenranta. Let me just show you.

Bicycle trip Lappeenranta – Taipalsaari Велосипедная прогулка Лаппеенранта – Тайпалсаари.

Riikka Juutilainen

Hey, my name is Riikka Juutilainen. I am a 20-year-old Bachelor of Hospitality Management student from Joutseno and this summer I work at Lappeenranta's tourist information.

Kayaking for the first time in the Great Lake Saimaa

Darius Rahman

Hi everyone! My name is Darius Rahman and I work at Lappeenranta's tourist information. You can find me at the Sandcastle. I'm 18 years old and I'm an International Baccalaureate graduate. I'm half Finnish and half Bangladeshi, and I've lived in Lappeenranta for 9 years.

Summer Time SUP-Boarding


HI am Roberta from Italy. I am studying for the MSc in computer science at LUT, this is my first year here in Lappeenranta and I will have another more year here to enjoy the city!

Kayaking around Lake Saimaa Roberta's experience on a sailing boat

Zheng Zhang

Hello everybody, my name is Zheng Zhang from China. Now I am full degree student in Lappeenranta University of Technology studying Global Management of Innovation and Technology from 2015 to 2017. My first visiting to Lappeenranta was in 2014 at LUT Summer School for 1 month, and then I was totally falling in love with this one of beautiful and peaceful cities I had ever seen.

The sustainable life in Lappeenranta

Vincent Gerritse

Vincent Gerritse is a Dutch Nova College intern working for the City’s Communications and Tourism services for the Spring 2015. You can read his impressions in the Dutch Diaries of Lappeenranta.

The last experiences, so far What place suits you best